
Shane Whitlatch, General Manager, Healthcare, FairWarning


An Improved Healthcare System Is Possible with Interoperability

5 ways interoperability can benefit patients, physicians and healthcare orgs.

Kent Dicks, CEO, Life365


Healthcare and the 5G Revolution

The promise of 5G lies in its ability to connect patients, but negatives abound.

Joey Truscelli, CEO, Hello Alvin


Virtual Care Is Evolving How People Access Quality Healthcare

Telehealth can offset projected clinician shortages, bring affordable care to uninsured patients and eliminate wait times for consultation.

president of Redox


Curing What Ails the Healthcare App Marketplace

How to create an interoperable app ecosystem.

Joel Landau, Founder & Chairman, The Allure Group


Regulations Can Promote Innovation, Even in Healthcare

New laws create new problems, and entrepreneurs and innovators rise to the challenge.

Roy Schoenberg, M.D., MPH, President & CEO, American Well


Telehealth Momentum Fueling 6 Trends in 2020

Telehealth adoption and benefits will only continue to increase in the upcoming year, one American Well expert suggests.

Angie Franks, CEO, Central Logic


Sure, Technology Investments Can Be Costly but What's the Cost of Doing Nothing?

5 ways tech-driven access and visibility into a health system can drive specialty center growth.

Brian P. Dunleavy


The Data Toolkit That Can Analyze More Than 1M Cells

Why the technology is empowering researchers to analyze once-impenetrable data sets.



Locky's (Attempted) Resurgence

The notorious Locky ransomware had been thought dead, until a massive uptick in infections this August.

Dimitar Antov, Peter Killian


Contributor: Getting Started with Analytics for Healthcare Marketing

Antov, Deeken, and Killian return with five more tips on how health companies can catch up to other industries in their use of analytics for business.

Fernando Martinez, PhD


3 Things That Healthcare Must Understand About Cybersecurity

How these issues will be examined during a new Texas Hospital Association conference.

Kenny Walter


FDA Approves Digital Health App for Chronic Pain Management

Patients who use the application will receive personalized therapy through their mobile device.

Kurt Wyant


Automation's Contributions to the Pharmacy

Pharmacy manager Kurt Wyant projected ROI in 2 years. The actual time was 11 months.

John D'Amore, President


Measuring the Promises of Interoperability

How far has health IT come in meeting Meaningful Use standards?

Kathy Giusti, Richard Hamermesh


What Cancer Treatments Can Take from Major Retailers

People with cancer are consumers of healthcare. Should they not get customized treatment plans?

Founder, Hexagon


What Pfizer, GSK and Merck Could Learn from Lou Gerstner's IBM of the 1990s

Can pharma leverage data and analytics to transform healthcare?

Leon Lerman, Co-Founder


Your MRI Is Hacked: Transfer $100K in Bitcoin, Please

How hospitals can defend data and patients from ransomware attacks.

Tara Vail, Chief Operating Officer, HSTpathways


Games Payers Play: ASCs and Prior Authorizations

6 ways ambulatory surgery centers can win a high-stakes game of medical billing and collections.

Jared Kaltwasser


Alexa, Are We Going to Violate HIPAA?

AI, smart speakers bring about a Wild West of health data questions.

John Kirkley


Advancing Genomics With High-Performance Computing

How Intel and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard are trying to speed up genomic analyses.

David Hanekom, M.D.


The Promise of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare

How Care.Wallet leverages the blockchain — and what this use case means for healthcare.

Joshua Claman, CEO, Rimidi


Will Remote Patient Monitoring Finally Flourish in 2020?

How providers can succeed with remote patient monitoring tools.

David Harlow, J.D., MPH


Price Transparency Executive Order Might Not Hit the Right Notes

David Harlow, J.D., MPH argues that cost data alone won’t help consumers.

David Finn, EVP of Strategic Innovation, CynergisTek


Biomedical Device Security: The Risk Is More than Security

These connected medical devices require a more comprehensive strategy if we are to protect patients.

Tony Hagen


Watson Achieves Diagnostic Concordance in Tumor Board Test

The IBM computer program remains a support tool for physicians and cannot replace the “human touch” needed to act upon the many factors of patient engagement.

Antoaneta Roussi


Natural Cycles Is the First FDA-Approved Contraception App. But It's Not for All Women

Is it OK for digital health tools to exclude vulnerable populations?

Patrick Campbell


AI-Enabled ECG Helps Identify Heart Failure

An AI-enabled ECG algorithm could speed identification and treatment of heart failure among individuals presenting with shortness of breath.

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